Wake Up, Human

Ep.20: The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor

Shannon M. Wills

This episode explores the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, a gift from indigenous tribes of South America to all of humanity with the potential to heal our divided world. 

SHOW NOTES: Resources mentioned in the episode: 

Itzhak Beery, our guide on the journey: 

With deepest gratitude to master teachers Don Manuel Calazacon, of the Tsachila tribe of the Ecuadorian Andes, and Don Basilio Payaguaje, of the Siekopai (Secoya) of the Ecuadorian Amazon, for trusting us with their teachings and their medicines. 


YAKUM: This is the organization I mentioned toward the end of the episode, but could not remember the name of at that time (!). Arley Payaguaje works with YAKUM alongside his reforestation efforts. 

YAKUM works to protects indigenous forest and build cultural, medicinal and food sovereignty, through reforestation with carefully selected native tree species and territory mapping.



"An Amazon Shaman's Dream to Recover His Peoples' Ancestral Land"
On Amazon Frontlines

An article honoring the life of Siekopai elder and healer Don Cesáreo Piaguaje (and elder of the community we visited in the Amazon who recently passed), and detailing his lifelong dream of reconnecting his people to their ancestral lands. (Amazon  Frontlines is an organization defending indigenous rights to land,
life and cultural survival in the Amazon rainforest.)



"Yagé is Our Life": 

A documentary stressing the importance of Indigenous Peoples to be able to remain connected to their ancestral lands, and some of the influences that are threatening their ability to do so. This is the video I referenced with the quote, "Un indio sin territorio no es indio."



Cultural Survival & Survival International: 

Additional resources for those of us wanting to learn about and support efforts advocating for Indigenous Peoples' rights, and supporting Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultural traditions, and political resilience. 

